Advocates for the Deaf

Our efforts seek to give consumers an equitable experience online. Company videos must have captioning and comply with guidelines. Use the form below to contact our Americans with Disabilities Act lawyers to file your claim.

No recovery, no fee. We only get paid out of any recoveries.

Are you deaf? Have you seen website videos without captioning?

Please fill out the contact form below.

    Video Captioning for the Deaf

    Captioning on business’ videos is required by the American’s with Disabilities Act. By not having captioning on videos, businesses are excluding the millions of Deaf Americans from equal access to their goods and services. Captioning on a video is so easily accomplished, so there is no excuse. The attorneys at Potter Handy will represent you for no out-of-pocket expense to you; the defendants have to pay your attorney fees.

    You can be the cause of businesses being accessible to all and you can be entitled to thousands of dollars too.

    Disabled person using computer having digital access issues. Be a hero to your community and file your digital access claim today.

    Website accessibility advocates with their thumbs up. Fight for your rights, FIle your digital access claim today.

    Be an Advocate - file your claim today

    The lawyers at Potter Handy have represented persons with disabilities since 1995 and will force businesses to comply with the disability access laws at not out-of-pocket expense to you. It is important that you stand up for all deaf persons by having Potter Handy force the business to put captioning on their on-line videos. This isn’t just for you, it is for all deaf persons being able to get full and equal access. You could be entitled to thousands of dollars, but getting access for all deaf persons is the most important purpose.

    Captioning on business’ videos is required by the American’s with Disabilities Act.

    The ADA requires business to put captioning on their videos. Failure to put captioning on their videos can be a violation of your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. When your rights are violated under the ADA in California, you can be entitled to thousands of dollars in minimum penalties and, most importantly, you can force them to make their publications accessible to everyone.
